Renewable Energy Maintenance Services in Jordan
Maintenance Services is a team of highly skilled trades professionals and management staff. We provide quality service in an efficient and professional manner to ensure safety and comfort. We implement continuous improvement to ensure the highest level of customer satisfaction.
“30+ years’ experience of Critical Power care”
“30+ years’ experience of Critical Power care”
With Al-Manhal Group’s services and preventative maintenance plans, you can increase your ROI, ensure business continuity and minimize lost productivity due to downtime.
3 Benefits of Al-Manhal Group’s Services
When you take advantage of Al-Manhal Group’s Services you’ll be accomplishing three things:
You’ll enhance your return on investment
You’ll maximize the performance of your devic
You’ll minimize interruptions to your business

On-site service management
- service operations per year (mainly preventive visits).
- 98% Service level agreement compliance rate.
Technical hotline network
advanced technical support centres
Certified expertise
technical training given per year (product, methodology and safety)
Maintenance Contract Clients
We have a wide range of clients from the following sectors:
Armed Forces
Construction and Contracting
Power Generation (Oil and Gas)
Information Technology & Data Centers
Banking and Financial
A clients list is available upon request.