PKI & Paperless Solutions in Jordan

(PKI) Public Key Infrastructure

Public key infrastructure (PKI) refers to tools used to create and manage public keys for encryption, which is a common method of securing data transfers on the internet. PKI is built into all web browsers used today, and it helps secure public internet traffic. Organizations can use it to secure the communications they send back and forth internally and also to make sure connected devices can connect securely.

The most important concept associated with PKI is the cryptographic keys that are part of the encryption process and serve to authenticate different people or devices attempting to communicate with the network.

PKI & Paperless Solutions in Jordan

Digital Signature

A certificate-based digital signature is a type of e-signature that complies with the strictest legal regulations — and provides the highest level of assurance of a signer’s identity.

What are the benefits of digital signature certificates?

Trusted and compliant in Jordan

Trusted and compliant.

Digital IDs come from accredited TSPs to help you confidently comply with security and other regulations around the world.

Protected digital signature


Your digital signature and the PDF document are cryptographically bound and secured with a tamper-evident seal.

unique digital identity certificate

Unique to you.

Use a unique digital identity certificate and PIN to easily validate your credentials and identity.

Easy to validate digital signature

Easy to validate

The signed document and your digital signature can both be revalidated for more than 10 years.

Paperless Solutions

Our eSignature platform and services allows your organization to transform paper workflows for Contracts, Agreements and Onboarding forms to paperless ones using legally valid electronic or digital signatures.

Complex Enterprise Workflows

Build complex document workflows that involve dynamic capture of data, OCR recognition, API integration, maker/checker, conditional approvals with document management and archival capabilities.

Mobile Enabled

Use emSigner App to sign anywhere, anytime on the go with support for voice based signing.


Cloud/On-Prem deployment

Use our trusted AWS Cloud or deploy on prem for local data residency needs.

Global eSignature support

eMudhra supports legally valid eSignatures across 180+ countries including US ESIGN Act, eIDAS Qualified Signatures, India eSign etc.

Workflow Platform

emSigner is eMudhra’s market leading document signing and workflow solution deployed across thousands of customers that supports complex workflows with eSignatures, electronic contracting, eInvoicing and several other workflows out of the box.

API's and Integrations

Our eSignature platform emSigner integrates with platforms that you work with – Microsoft, Oracle, Salesforce and many others. Out of the box API’s allow even more flexibility when pushing and pulling data and documents for signatures.